I'm very pleased to announce the release of the new Linguisticator design! But you may be wondering, what connection do tigers have to language and why do we have a tiger logo? It's quite simple, so let me explain:
Language is awesome.
Tigers are awesome
Language <=> Tigers
It's like an SAT-style analogy. Language is to awesome... Tigers. It really is that simple.
Look at it another way: if you go to google image and search for language, you'll find a lot of really dry and boring images, IPA symbols, phonology charts, some random scripts... nothing too exciting. Which is a shame, because language is awesome. So how do we visualize language? Well, if you search for "Awesome" you'll probably see a tiger among the top hits. Boom.
The tiger embodies the principles we want to espouse: agility and strength, the no-nonsense approach we take, and the sheer awesomeness of language. It says, we don't mess around up in here. We get it done.
Embrace the tiger. Share in the awesome.