Over the last few weeks, I've been working on the materials for our "Georgian for English Speakers" program. Basically, it's a course designed to teach the Georgian language to people who speak English. As I've been digging through these materials, I've been learning Georgian myself and coming up with my own mnemonics. What's really cool is that I've been using AI image generation to create these mnemonic images. One of the great things about using AI image generation tools for creating mnemonics is that the usual glitches with AI images, like the occasional weird artifact or an extra limb, don't really matter for mnemonics. But there are a lot of amazing things you can do with AI image creation that you just can't do any other way. You can come up with image combinations that you'd never find in the real world, or pictures of things that don't actually exist. And that's super exciting because we can use that to quickly and easily create really vivid images that work as mnemonics for learning Georgian or for learning other languages or subjects. So, I want to walk you through a few of my favorite Georgian mnemonics that I've made so far.

The first Georgian word we've got is სოკო – soko, which means mushroom. I picture a tub full of mushrooms all soaking wet. Soko.

Next up, we have ყველი - kveli, which means cheese. Now, this is an example of not having to pull all your mnemonics from just one language. I speak German, so this word makes me think of "die Quelle," which means spring or source. So I imagine a spring, only it’s cheese that’s flowing, not water.

For the next one, I'm not using English as the base language for my mnemonic. ვაშლი – Vashli, this means apple, and it reminds me of the French word "la vache," which means cow. So, I think of cows munching on apples. Vashli.

Then we have მუხა – mukha which means oak. This one makes me think of the Spanish word "la mujer," which means woman. So I think of an oak tree shaped like a woman. It's a really good example of how you can create a vivid image with AI that you’d be hard pressed to find or make any other way.

After that, there's ცხელი – tskheli, which means hot. The "ts" sound at the start makes me think of pizza, and the "kheli" sounds like hell. So, imagine a pizza cooking in the fiery pits of hell — it's gotta be hot. So... tskheli, hot.

გრილი – Grili means cool. I think of a grill, but it's got cool ice cubes on it instead of hot coals. Grili.
And this last one is one of my favorites because it ties together so many elements: კარგ დღეს გისურვებ – karg dges gisurveb. It literally means Have a nice day. Breaking it down, we have: karg. Good. Dges. Day. Gisurveb. I wish you.

So the image is a car for karg, a woman in a dress for dges, and then the Icelandic hero "Gisur" represents the gisur part of gisurveb. The concept is this woman is getting out of the car, going to meet Gisur for a date, after they met on the "Web", which forms the –veb part of gisurveb. karg dges gisurveb.
What's really exciting is this single image for a whole phrase. That's pretty cool and a testament to what AI image generation can do.
Thanks for following along with my exploration into the world of mnemonic creation for learning the Georgian language. If you're intrigued by these techniques and looking to enhance your memory and language skills, I highly recommend you check out our courses.